Animal by-products not intended for human consumption (SANDACH) such as viscera, fins, scrapes, heads… All of them make up the waste of fish that must be managed and regulated to ensure that no risks are generated for human, animal or environmental health. Thus, all those surfaces, supermarkets or fishmongers that generate more than 20 kg per week of this type of waste; They have an obligation to hire a waste manager.
Alternatives and uses of fish waste
The great efforts and investments in I+D have resulted in the possibility of managing fish waste in a highly effective way, as well as the possibility of giving new uses and alternatives to this type of waste not fit for human consumption.
Today, the road to sustainability is an outstanding task for many companies and sectors of the fishing industry, making great efforts to reduce the environmental impact. In this meaning, the use of fish waste has made new roads and businesses open, through different recycling and reuse alternatives.
Traditionally, this type of waste is used for the elaboration of flours and fish oil. However, in recent years and, with increasing intensity, the production of fish-derived products has a nutritional importance and an economic value worth taking advantage of. Despite the fact that most of the options are confined to the food industry, fishery by-products also derive pharmaceuticals, fertilisers or furs.
ARVI starts up the OPTIGES project
The fishing sector seeks commercial outlets for fish offal, launching the OPTIGES project. This project, developed by The Fishing Shipowners Cooperative of the Port of Vigo (ARVI), has as its objective the integral management, in boats and on land, of the viscera of fish captured by the fishing fleet of Vigo, in order to improve its use as By-products of animal origin not intended for human consumption (SANDACH).
Thus, this project, which also has the participation of ANFACO-CECOPESCA, is intended to categorize this type of waste in accordance with European regulations. From an economic, environmental and sanitary point of view, it is intended to give optimal use and better utilization of the viscera and the discards that will arrive to port, as reported ARVI in a statement.
Specifically speaking, ARVI with the project OPTIGES seeks “to design the logistics system in port for the proper management at the arrival of the viscera, depending on the results of the project and the forecasts” or “train the people involved in the possibilities of improvement with regard to the initial situation, the improvement in evisceration and the correct integral management by boat “; among others.