Blue fish: types and benefits

Blue fish: types and benefits

Blue fish, also known as oily fish, is one of the healthiest foods, as its great contribution of omega 3 is one of its greatest benefits and a plus for our health. As we have already mentioned on more than one occasion, including fish in our diet is essential for good...
What is the census of the fishing fleet?

What is the census of the fishing fleet?

The Operational Fisheries Fleet Census is a key element in maritime fisheries management. Therefore, this census must contain the relationship of Spanish-flagged vessels that may carry out fishing activity. In this sense, any vessel not included in that census, which...
6 autumn fish for your recipes

6 autumn fish for your recipes

With the arrival of autumn comes the routine, the return to school, the leaves fall from the trees, the cold arrives… In addition, numerous seasonal products invade the markets, and we could not forget the autumn fish in our shopping basket. Nor should we ignore...
Tips for freezing seafood

Tips for freezing seafood

The Christmas season is just around the corner and the sooner we start preparing the Christmas fish and seafood meals, we can save money by buying it before the predictable price increases that will occur during the month of December. Although it’s still a...
Sustainable fishing and its benefits to our environment

Sustainable fishing and its benefits to our environment

When we talk about sustainable fishing, we are referring to a series of practices aimed at keeping the population of marine species at optimal levels to ensure survival, thus respecting the natural environment. In particular, sustainable fishing is based on fishing...
Fish with omega 3, a plus for your health

Fish with omega 3, a plus for your health

It is already indisputable that fish brings countless benefits to our health. An essential food for our body and that we should not exclude under any circumstances our diet. Undoubtedly, fish provides many properties such as proteins, vitamins, minerals… In...
Grilled fish for your barbecues

Grilled fish for your barbecues

We are in summer and in good weather the number of plans abroad is increasing. Barbecues are the summer planazo par excellence. Although the first thing we think about are the meats when we plan to make a barbecue, the truth is that there is a great variety of fish...
4 Fish recipes for summer

4 Fish recipes for summer

The summer is slowly approaching and with it the beach, the bets of sun, the celebrations of people… And of course, numerous meals with friends and family. With the advent of high temperatures, we always want lighter and fresher dishes, such as cold creams,...
The European elections and the fishing sector

The European elections and the fishing sector

Fishing is one of the main sources of wealth of communities like Galicia, being one of the sectors with more direct employment related to this activity. According to the most recent survey of Ocupesca elaborated by the Regional Ministry of the Sea (whose data reflect...
What fish to choose to eat?

What fish to choose to eat?

  Having a balanced diet is essential to guarantee and enjoy good health and, in this sense, fish plays a fundamental role. However, many people are reluctant to introduce this food in their diets for various reasons: ignorance of the variety of species, how to...